Jo Healey
Jo Healey is the author of Trauma Reporting, A Journalist’s Guide to Covering Sensitive Stories. A former BBC journalist, Jo devised and delivers trauma reporting training to journalists all over the world in how best to work with victims, survivors and vulnerable interviewees.
Recent Posts by Jo Healey
Trauma reporting tips: Telling stories of Afghan refugees
October 15, 2021 by Jo HealeyThousands of Afghan refugees are trying to rebuild their fractured lives. In the coming months, many journalists will be interviewing them as they attempt to settle in new countries.
Telling stories of people who were deeply traumatized is hard. Not only do you need to get your facts right but you also need to consider the pain your interviewee may be going through.
فيروس كورونا: كيفيّة التعامُل مع حساسية المقابلات عن بُعد
April 30, 2020 by Jo Healey.يتوجه مركز دارت بالشكر للزملاء في مؤسسة سمير قصير لترجمة هذا
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