Andres Pumariega

Andres Pumariega has devoted his career in academic child and adolescent psychiatry to work in the areas of children’s systems of care and cultural diversity in mental health. He is currently Professor and Chair of the Department of Psychiatry at Cooper University Hospital and Health System and Cooper School of Medicine at Rowan University. He received his M.D. from the University of Miami School of Medicine and trained in General and Child Psychiatry at Duke University Medical Center. He has headed Pediatric Psychiatry consultation-liaison services at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and Baylor College of Medicine/Texas Children's Hospital; Directorships of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry at the University of Texas Medical Branch, University of South Carolina/ William S. Hall Psychiatric Institute, and East Tennessee State University, and chaired the Departments of Psychiatry at East Tennessee State University and The Reading Hospital and Medical Center. He also headed the ETSU Center of Excellence for Children in State Custody, and was awarded the American Psychiatric Association’s Silver Award for Outstanding Service in 2004.
Pumariega is Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association and the Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP), Fellow of the American College of Psychiatrists and American Orthopsychiatric Association, and Member of the Society of Professors of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. He has served as Associate Editor of the American Journal of Orthopsychiatry and the Journal of Child and Family Studies, and on the Editorial Board of the Community Mental Health Journal, Journal of Child and Family Studies, and Adolescent Psychiatry. As co-Chair of the Latino Panel, he led the drafting of the CMHS Cultural Competence Standards in 1999, the only national cultural competence standards for behavioral health services. He is President of the American Association of Social Psychiatry and immediate Past President of the American Orthopsychiatric Association.
He has close to 400 scientific papers, chapters, abstracts and monographs to his name, and was co-editor of Clinical Assessment of Child & Adolescent Behavior, co-editor of the Handbook of Child and Adolescent Systems of Care: The New Community Psychiatry, and co-editor of the issue on Culture and Pediatric Mental Health of the Child Psychiatric Clinics of North America (October, 2010). He is also first author of the Practice Parameter for Culturally Competent Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Practice of the AACAP (2013). Dr. Pumariega has received numerous awards over his career, including the American Psychiatric Association’s 2004 Simon Bolivar Award and Lecture in Hispanic Psychiatry, and the 2007 Jeanne Spurlock Award and Lecture in Diversity and Culture by the AACAP.
Recent Posts by Andres Pumariega
Keynote: Immigrants, Refugees and Mental Health
January 15, 2014 by Andres PumariegaIn this video, Dr. Andres Pumariega gives a keynote address "Immigrants, Refugees & Mental Health."
Keynote: Immigrants, Refugees and Mental Health
January 15, 2014 by Andres PumariegaIn this video, Dr. Andres Pumariega gives a keynote address "Immigrants, Refugees & Mental Health."
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