Peter Gonzales
Peter Gonzales is President & CEO of the Welcoming Center for New Pennsylvanians. An immigration attorney by training, he has a distinguished record of civic and business leadership and advocacy, and a longtime interest in and commitment to community economic development. Prior to joining the Welcoming Center, he was a founding partner of the Gonzales Tiagha law firm.
He is an active member of the American Immigration Lawyers Association, and a past Pennsylvania State Chair of the International Municipal Lawyers Association. In 2008, he was appointed by Mayor Michael A. Nutter to serve on the Zoning Board of Adjustment in Philadelphia, where he served until 2012.
Previously, Gonzalez also worked in the Solicitor’s Office for the City of Philadelphia, with the nonprofit Project HOME, and with the US Agency for International Development.
Recent Posts by Peter Gonzales
Advocacy and Action: The Local Landscape
In this video, Erika Almiron, Peter Gonzales and Mia-Lia Kiernan have a conversation with Bruce Shapiro titled "Advocacy and Action: The Local Landscape."
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