Surya Wijayanti

Surya Wijayanti is based at Kantor Berita Radio 68H, the first and only radio news agency in Indonesia, with more than 600 radio stations in its network.
KBR68H was established after the fall of the Suharto regime in 1999 with the vision of people’s democratization and empowerment. Curruntly, Surya is a broadcaster for the radio magazine programme “Sarapan Pagi”; editor and broadcaster for "Kabar Baru"; editor, producer and broadcaster for “Buletin Sore”; and producer for “Dari Bilik Suara.” Wijayanti's work includes covering the jogjakarta earthquake, investigating the misappropriation of funds following the 2004 Asian tsunami and investigating slavery in the east Sumba province of Nusa Tenggara Timur.