Swiss Research Foundation Announces New Science Writers Fellowship in Zurich

The Jacobs Foundation has announced a new five-day journalism fellowship aimed at advancing public understanding of research in the fields of psychology and youth development. Five science and/or health policy reporters from North America and the United Kingdom will be given the opportunity to collaborate with premier Swiss research institutions and the Swiss Science Writers Association.
These fellows will also work closely with the 2015 Klaus J. Jacobs Research Prize recipient, a researcher in the field of Social Neuroscience, who will be announced in October, 2015. Click here to read about past prize recipients.
The fellowship will take place December 1-5, and will cover the cost for all meals, travel and accommodation.
- Must be a working journalist with a consistent track record of reporting on science and health policy issues, and a resident of North America or the United Kingdom.
- Must have experience writing about youth development or provide explanation as to why he or she is particularly interested in this field.
- At least two years of employment as a staff journalist, or a proven track record as a freelancer in print, broadcast, or online media.
Click here for more information and to apply now.