Must-see Films at Human Rights Watch Festival in New York

The Dart Center will co-sponsor the New York City premieres of the inspiring documentaries, Camp 14: Total Control Zone and My Afghanistan: Life in the Forbidden Zone, at this year’s Human Rights Watch Film Festival.


Q&A presented in association with the Dart Center and Bellevue/NYU Program for Survivors of Torture

Camp 14 – Total Control Zone is a fascinating portrait of Shin Dong-Huyk, a young man who grew up imprisoned by dehumanizing violence yet still found the will to escape. Filmmaker Mark Wiese pulls audiences into Shin’s world, weaving anecdotes from a former camp guard and a member of the secret police with powerful animated scenes capturing key moments in Shin's life.

IFC Center: Thursday June 20, 9:30pm | Invite friends
Elinor Bunin Munroe Film Center: Friday June 21, 6:30pm | Invite friends

Flashbacks to life in the labor camp are presented in black and white animation.


Q&A Presented in association with the Dart Center, Alwan for the Arts and the Center for Civilians in Conflict

Nagieb Khaja, a Danish journalist of Afghan origin, travels to Lashkar Gah in Afghanistan. Because journalists are not able to move safely outside of the capital, contact with the civilian population in rural areas is almost impossible. But Khaja has a trick up his sleeve. He gives people living in outlying communities mobile phones equipped with cameras and asks them to film their daily lives, providing a rare glimpse into the war-torn existence of ordinary Afghans.

Elinor Bunin Munroe Film Center: Sunday June 16, 8:30pm | Invite friends
Elinor Bunin Munroe Film Center: Monday June 17 6:30pm | Invite friends

"The stories told are the Western soldiers' stories. Not the stories of the civilians." —filmmaker Nagieb Khaja