Japan's Triple Disaster: Resources for Journalists
Links to resources in Japanese and English for journalists covering Japan's March 11 earthquake, tsunami and nuclear power plant crisis. Includes a Q&A with disaster expert Irwin Redlener, M.D., an article on Japanese cultural identity from Gavin Rees, and a comprehensive disaster reporting guide from reporter Yoichi Shimatsu.
As shock waves resonate in the 9.0-magnitude earthquake, tsunami and unfolding threats from damaged nuclear power plants that have devastated Japan, the Dart Center offers these resources for journalists:
A guide in Japanese, produced in the wake of the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami, to assist journalists reporting on victims and survivors of natural disasters, developed by the Reporters' Stress Research Group.
Advice in Japanese on self-care for journalists and teams covering disaster situations, from the Reporters' Stress Research Group.
A Japanese version of the Dart Centre' Europe's "Trauma and Journalism," by Mark Brayne.
An interview with Irving Redlener, M.D. on the role that news media play in aiding recovery and drawing lessons to better manage future catastrophes.
A comprehensive guide for reporting the Japan quake from Yoichi Shimatsu, an environmental issues writer and editor.
An article by Dart Centre Europe's Gavin Rees about how the Japanese will draw on their cultural notions of stoicism, community and acceptance as they face the challenges ahead.
Earthquake and tsunami resources assembled by Google, including Google's person-finder.
Dart Center resources on covering earthquakes.
"Tragedies and Journalists," the Dart Center's comprehensive guide for reporters, editors, photographers and managers on every aspect of reporting tragedy.
"Working with Victims and Survivors," advice from journalists, researchers and mental health professionals on how to deal with people caught up in tragic events.
Guidance on mental health issues and how they evolve in regions devastated by natural disasters, from psychiatrist Alexander McFarlane.
Guidance on working with emergency services from Dr. Anne Eyre, specialist in trauma and disaster management.
Quick tips, in-depth resources and links to other organizations on covering disasters.