Essential Links & Resources
Resources and links created and suggested by speakers and participants at the 2012 Dart Center workshop "Covering Suicide."
The Poynter Institute's Al Tompkins takes you line-by-line through a tough to tell but important story.
Click here for more tips and advice from Al Tompkins.
Journalist Amy Neiberger-Miller's Guide for Military Families Dealing with the Media After a Tragedy
Connecting with People is a suicide awareness and prevention package developed by Open Minds Alliance.
Resources for Increasing Awareness from the University of Calgary
The World Health Organization's Suicide Page
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) Media Recommendations and National Violent Death Reporting System
Harvard professor Matthew Nock's groundbreaking studies on understanding suicide and self-injury
Brock Savelkoul's NPR story on a Soldier's Attempted Suicide by Cop
Michael de Yoanna's series: Coming Home
Jesse Green on Impulsive Suicide