The Aftermath

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This haunting and illuminating piece bravely side-steps the expected narrative, telling the story of Kristen Kinkel as she reckons with the crimes committed by her brother Kip. Twenty-five years ago, he killed their parents and opened fire at their high school.

Judges described the piece as a “thoughtful, compelling and deeply empathetic window into what has become an all too common issue,” “bravely side-stepping the expected narrative” and “challenging readers to look beyond simple caricatures of a mass shooter.” They said “the story's power lies in its layers” noting that “no one is two-dimensional, and neither is the crime itself.” They praised Jennifer Gonnerman for telling “a complicated and fraught story with care and grace” and “painting a picture rooted in the context and complexity of being human.” They called the story “even-handed and non-judgmental,” “diving clear-eyed into so many of the questions that people grapple with after traumatic experiences” and “broadening a reader's understanding of the reverberations beyond victim and perpetrator.” They called it “haunting”, “illuminating” and “masterfully told.”

Originally published by The New Yorker on November 27, 2023.