William Wan

William Wan is an enterprise reporter at The Washington Post, where he writes about mental health and people suffering on the margins of society. During the past two decades at The Post, he has covered health, religion, China, the Obama presidency and national security. His coverage of mental health during the pandemic contributed to an unprecedented increase in federal funding and won awards from the NIHCM Foundation and the American Association of Suicidology. His reporting on corruption among China’s cops and courts won the National Headliners Award for International News and was a finalist for the Livingston Award. He was named the 2010 and 2011 Religion Writer of the Year and won ASNE’s award for distinguished writing on diversity. He was a reporter on the Post's 2010 Pulitzer finalist team for coverage the Fort Hood shootings. Before joining The Post, he worked as a reporter for the Los Angeles Times and the Baltimore Sun.