
The Dart Center runs several flagship programs annually including the Ochberg Fellowships and Dart Awards for Excellence in Coverage of Trauma. In addition, we offer a variety of specialized multi-day reporting institutes, newsroom trainings, symposia and other events on an ongoing basis around the world.

Dart Awards for Excellence in Coverage of Trauma

Established in 1994, the annual Dart Awards recognize exemplary North American reporting on the impact of violence, crime, disaster and other traumatic events on individuals, families or communities.

Ochberg Fellowships

Each year the Dart Center brings together distinguished mid-career journalists for an intensive week of seminars about the reporting of traumatic events. Named for psychiatrist Frank Ochberg, M.D., a pioneer in the study of trauma, the Ochberg Fellowships draw journalists from around the U.S. and from other areas of Dart Center global activity, at the present time including Europe, Australia and Latin America.

Early Childhood Journalism Initiative

Through workshops, webinars, reporting fellowships, and networking opportunities, this multi-year initiative provides journalists around the world with knowledge, skills, financial support, and editorial support to expand and deepen news coverage of early childhood and its intersection with issues such as inequality, education, health, child care, and social and economic policy around the world.

Asia Pacific Fellowships

The biennial Asia Pacific Fellowships offer seasoned journalists and their editors from the Asia-Pacific region a special opportunity to deepen their knowledge of emotional trauma and improve coverage of violence, conflict and tragedy.


The Dart Center’s research unit, based at the University of Tulsa Department of Psychology, has conducted pioneering peer-reviewed studies on newsrooms and traumatic stress, and encourages scientific and scholarly inquiry into the impact of news coverage of traumatic events.

Journalism Education

The Dart Center develops curriculum modules, self-study units and other materials both for use by journalism students and by working reporters, editors and producers. The Center also helps journalism teachers develop effective trauma curricula.

Seminars, Training and Consultation

The Dart Center provides a range of services for working journalists and newsrooms worldwide, including seminars focused on specific events and issues, management and staff briefings, and development of extensive ongoing training programs. The Dart Center also trains and encourages working journalists in providing volunteer education to colleagues through professional organizations and newsrooms.