Support the Dart Center this #GivingTuesday

When people ask what we do at the Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma, I try to keep the answer simple. The Dart Center prepares journalists for the toughest assignments covering violence, conflict and tragedy around the world.

Over the last year, our commitment has been tested like never before, by cascading events that go to the heart of the Dart Center’s global mission.

I’m proud that some of the finest reporting on these turbulent times has come from Dart Center fellows, Dart Award winners and other news professionals trained through the Dart Center's many programs. And I’m proud that we have become a world leader in championing trauma support for journalists themselves.

But today’s journalists face new and profound challenges: not only the pace of traumatic events but unprecedented levels of threat and harassment, amid roiling change in the news industry. To meet the needs of a new generation of journalists, we need your help.

Please consider a gift in support of the Dart Center. To make a contribution (fully tax-deductible in the U.S.), visit the secure Columbia Journalism School online donation site. In the "Division" drop-down menu choose "Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma" and follow the online prompts. We are grateful for whatever you are able to contribute.

Thank you, and best wishes for the holiday season.

Bruce Shapiro

Executive Director