Support the Dart Center on #GivingTuesday
Whether you’re a working journalist or a news consumer, you know we are living through exceptional challenges for reporters, photographers and news organizations.
That’s why I hope that this #GivingTuesday, you’ll consider a contribution to the Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma.
For nearly 20 years, the Dart Center, a project of Columbia Journalism School, has hewn to a singular mission: To nurture ethical and innovative reporting on violence, conflict and tragedy around the world. That mission grows more urgent by the day.
That means enriching reporters’ craft with evidence-based trauma science. It means conducting pioneering research into the impact of violence and threat on news professionals. And it means gold-standard training for reporters and news organizations on how to stay resilient and effective when the job gets tough.
I’m proud that the Dart Center is the world’s leader in championing trauma awareness for journalists. And I’m gratified that some of the richest, most illuminating reporting on these turbluent times – on issues ranging from gun violence to refugees to #MeToo – has come from Dart Center fellows, award winners and other journalists trained through our many programs.
If you want to stand up for journalists this festive season, please consider support for the Dart Center. To make a contribution (fully tax-deductible in the U.S.), visit the secure Columbia Journalism School online donation site. In the "Division" drop-down menu choose "Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma" and follow the online prompts.
We are grateful for whatever you are able to contribute.
Thank you, and best wishes for the holidays,
Bruce Shapiro
Executive Director