Conversation: 30 Years Covering IPV
In this video from the 2011 Dart Center workshop "Out of the Shadows: Reporting on Intimate Partner Violence," two pioneers in journalism on intimate partner violence discuss their careers.
As a documentary photographer, Donna Ferrato took some of the first photographs of intimate partner violence, as collected in her book Living with the Enemy. A journalist, photographer, activist, and author of eight books of nonfiction, Ann Jones' seminal work Women Who Kill began a groundbreaking series on women and violence. They discuss their careers and how they intersect. Bruce Shapiro, executive director of the Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma, introduces.
This video is from a two-day workshop held at the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism in October, 2011, made possible by generous funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation: "Out of the Shadows: Reporting on Intimate Partner Violence."