The Economics of ECD
Full video and powerpoint presentation from "The Economics of ECD: Why It’s Important to Pay Less Now, Not More Later"; June 30, 2018.
Full video and powerpoint presentation from "The Economics of ECD: Why It’s Important to Pay Less Now, Not More Later"; June 30, 2018.
Marta Rubio-Codina, PhD, is an economist and child development specialist at the Social Protection and Health Division of the Inter-American Development Bank in Washington D.C. and an International Research Fellow at the Institute for Fiscal Studies in London. She holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Toulouse. Rubio-Codina’s research focuses on poverty alleviation and the promotion of human capital in the early years; as well as on the measurement of child development. She has been involved extensively in the design, implementation, and evaluation of several large-scale field trials of psychosocial stimulation—delivered via home visits and/or group sessions—and nutrition in Colombia and India. She has also participated in the design and evaluation of the home visiting component of Cuna Más, Peru’s flagship early child development program. She is leading a longitudinal study in Bogota aimed at identifying cost-efficient instruments to measure development in infants and toddlers for use at-scale, and investigating the effects of poverty and protective factors on child development. Rubio-Codina also has experience implementing programs: adapting curricula and play materials for parenting interventions; setting up systems of supervision; monitoring intervention implementation, and has contributed to developing the Reach Up and Learn package. Her research has been published in peer-reviewed journals including the British Medical Journal, Plos One, the Journal of Development Economics, and the American Economic Journal.