Stolen: Surviving St. Michael's
Journalist Connie Walker's quest to better understand her father and find the priest who abused him in a Canadian residential school leads to one of the most comprehensive investigations to date into a single school.

Judges called the work a “remarkably moving masterpiece," and a “testament to the power of audio.” They commended Connie Walker for providing an “intimate,” “nuanced picture of survivors struggling with the consequences of trauma,” and “interpreting it over time.” They praised Walker's “wisdom” and “grace” in “letting the story tell itself”, and in allowing survivors “the space and dignity” to tell their own stories, “both the horror and moments of strength and reflection.” They also praised Walker for “maintaining a spotlight on the effects of colonialism and trauma,” and showing how its lasting effects “reverberate through generations of colonized people.”
Originally published by Gimlet, a Spotify Studio in May, 2022.