Sharon Schmickle
Sharon Schmickle is a reporter for the Minneapolis Star Tribune. She has covered conflict in Iraq and Afghanistan, the aftermath of the tsunami in South Asia, and school shootings in Red Lake and Rocori high schools in Minnesota.
In 2000 Schmickle won a McClatchy President’s Award for a special report from Japan on the global controversy over genetically modified foods. She was a Pulitzer Prize finalist in 1996 for an investigative series about the U.S. Supreme Court; also in 1996, she was named Washington Correspondent of the year by the National Press Club and the Society of Professional Journalists, for her reporting on the impact of the federal budget on one Minnesota community.
Recent Posts by Sharon Schmickle
Шерон Шмікл
July 24, 2015 by Sharon SchmickleРекомендації від досвідчених журналістів-ветеранів щодо подолання емоційних труднощів під час висвітлення війни. Переклад – Інна Рахмістрюк. Translated by Inna Rakhmistryuk.
Reporting War
March 28, 2009 by Sharon SchmickleRecommendations for meeting the emotional challenges of covering war, from a group of seasoned veterans. Click here for a Ukrainian translation.
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