Resources for Gavin Rees, Blog Posts

507 results found

Dart Center at AEJMC

At this year's AEJMC Conference, Dart Center Faculty Fellow Ari Goldman will present at a pre-conference workshop on the ethics of trauma journalism and classroom techniques, while 2011 Dart Center Academic Fellow Amy Schmitz-Weiss will present her research at “Beyond the Border: Teaching Journalism in the US and Mexico.”

2013 APA Division 56 Media Awards Announced

This past weekend, the American Psychological Association's Division 56 granted seven awards for meritorious contributions to the field of trauma psychology, including two Media Awards for contributions to the field.

The Story is the Survivor: Reporting on Sexual Assault

Last week at Women's eNews headquarters, guest speaker Claudia Garcia-Rojas shared best practices in reporting on rape and sexual violence, including how to use language and framing respectfully during an interview, how to make sources comfortable and how to use statistics effectively in reporting.

Mexican Journalists Share Strategies for Staying Safe

As violence in Mexico continues to escalate, we point to five videos released by Article 19, in which Mexican journalists provide tips on staying safe while covering violence and organized crime.

Social Media Reporting Tools

At the APME NYC NewsTrain workshop, Mandy Jenkins of Project Thunderdome shared tips and tools on using social media to find reporting sources, as well as how to fact-check and curate social media to augment coverage.
