Eddie Bocanegra
Eddie Bocanegra works for CeaseFire out of the University of Illinois at Chicago. While his main objective is conflict resolution, Bocanegra specializes in high-risk mediation and intervention with youth living on the southwest side of Chicago.
His responsibilities include mentoring, court advocacy, and developing programming to promote rehabilitation services in the Latino community. He gives workshops on violence prevention, gang awareness, conflict resolution, and issues of juvenile justice. In addition to his work with CeaseFire, Bocanegra is an accomplished artist and participates in various arts initiatives within the Latino community. He also volunteers with Urban Life Skills, a mentoring program for high-risk youth. Bocanegra is currently completing his degree in social work at Northeastern Illinois University and plans to pursue a doctorate.
Recent Posts by Eddie Bocanegra
Gun Violence and Police Encounters: Reducing Lethal Outcomes
March 27, 2017 by Ellis Cose, Eddie BocanegraFull video and edited transcript; "Gun Violence Through a Public Health Lens"; February 11, 2017.
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