Mark Brayne

Mark Brayne was the Director of Dart Center Europe until 2008.
Recent Posts by Mark Brayne
Trauma ja journalismi
August 3, 2009 by Mark BrayneThe Finnish-language version of Dart Centre Europe's trauma and journalism handbook: a guide for journalists, editors and managers.
March 25, 2009 by Mark BrayneA Japanese-language version of the Dart Center publication "Trauma and Journalism."
Trauma & Journalism: A Practical Guide
March 24, 2009 by Mark BrayneThis thirty-one-page booklet gives guidance to journalists, editors, managers and other media professionals on working with traumatic material. It offers tips on interviewing, highlights common mistakes made in trauma reporting and suggests what individuals and media teams can do to look after themselves while working in challenging situations.
Trauma & Journalismus: Handbuch (Engl.)
October 10, 2007 by Mark BrayneDieses Handbuch vermittelt Orientierungshilfen für Journalisten, Redakteuren, Chefredaktionen und anderen Medienarbeitern. Es bietet Interviewtipps, stellt typische Fehler vor, die in der Berichterstattung über traumatische Ereignisse gemacht werden, und gibt Empfehlungen zur eigenen Fürsorge in der Arbeit in und mit herausfordernden Situationen.
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