Miles Moffeit
Miles Moffeit is an investigative reporter for The Denver Post. He spent more than a year uncovering flaws in the handling of domestic abuse and sexual assault cases in the military, for the series “Betrayal in the Ranks,” which was a finalist for the 2004 Dart Award.
More recently, he has covered the Iraqi prisoner abuse scandal. Moffeit joined the Post in 2002, after six years with The Fort Worth Star-Telegram.
Recent Posts by Miles Moffeit
La ética y la práctica: Cómo entrevistar a las víctimas
March 27, 2012 by Miles Moffeit, Kristen LombardiEstos “consejos rápidos” sobre cómo entrevistar, fueron escritos por Miles Moffeit y Kristen Lombardi para el taller “Saliendo de las sombras: Cómo reportar sobre la violencia doméstica”, presentado en el Centro Dart en el 2011.
Ethics and Practice: Interviewing Victims
January 19, 2012 by Miles Moffeit, Kristen LombardiIn this tipsheet from the 2011 Dart Center workshop "Out of the Shadows: Reporting on Intimate Partner Violence," Miles Moffeit and Kristen Lombardi give advice on how to interview.
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