Yvette Cabrera

Yvette Cabrera is an Orange County Register local news columnist who writes about the Latino community in Orange County, and also serves as the newspaper’s Latino coverage coordinator.
She has tackled health issues such as diabetes and alcoholism among Latinos, explored the obstacles facing Latino immigrants, and dealt with topics ranging from the cultural taboos tied to AIDS/HIV in the Latino community to the bicultural lifestyles of today’s Latino youth.
Prior to the Orange County Register, Yvette worked at the Los Angeles Daily News as a metro reporter covering immigration, Latino issues and the communities of the Northeast San Fernando Valley.
Previously, she worked as a news reporter at The Morning Call in Allentown, Pa., and at the Los Angeles Times.
While at the Los Angeles Daily News she received a first place award from the California Chicano News Media association for her news-feature "Fighting Chance," about a young Sylmar boy's struggle to receive a bone marrow transplant to fight his leukemia. The story highlighted the need for the Latino community to step forward and join the national bone marrow registry to help other Latinos diagnosed with cancer.
In 1998, Yvette was honored by the Comisión Femenil of the San Fernando Valley, a chapter of the national Latina organization, for her work in covering the Northeast Valley's Latino community.
In 2003, she was honored with a Crystal Award from the Orange County chapter of MANA, a national Latina organization, for contributing to the positive image of Latinas in the media. She was also a finalist for the Livingston Award for Young Journalists in 2003.
The daughter of Mexican immigrants, Yvette was born and raised in Santa Barbara, Ca. She graduated from Occidental College in Los Angeles, majoring in history with an emphasis on Latin American studies and a minor in anthropology.
She is currently a statewide board member and professional vice president for the California Chicano News Media Association, as well as a member of the National Association of Hispanic Journalists.
Recent Posts by Yvette Cabrera
Women of Juarez
An eight-part series about survivors in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, a community that has lost hundreds of women to unsolved murders in the past decade. Originally published in the Orange County Register (Santa Ana, CA), in 2004.
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