Pamela Dix

Pamela Dix is a founding member and the former executive director of Disaster Action, an NGO established in 1991 whose members were survivors and bereaved people from 29 disasters both the UK and overseas. Her brother Peter Dix was killed in the bombing of Pan Am 103 over Lockerbie, in December 1988. Pamela is also a book publishing editor, writer and researcher
Recent Posts by Pamela Dix
Interview Excerpt on Covering Tragic Anniversaries
This is an excerpt from a longer interview with Pam Dix and Anne Eyre, two founding members of Disaster Action.
Looking Back on Disaster
Founded twenty-five years ago this month, Disaster Action has helped to reshape how the British political and legal systems respond to the needs of victims and survivors of public tragedies. In this edited interview, Pam Dix and Anne Eyre discuss their experiences with such disasters as Hillsborough, Lockerbie and the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami, and its relevance for journalists covering the still unfolding aftermath of such events.
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