Dart Blog

Columbia Journalism Profs Voice Concern over Wikileaks Prosecution

As the Obama Administration weighs criminal prosecution of Wikileaks and its founder over release of a trove of diplomatic cables, members of the Columbia Journalism School faculty warn such action could endanger the work of all investigative journalists.

Getting Away with Murder

Three out of four journalists worldwide who die on the job are not caught in the crossfire -- they're targeted by kidnappers or hired assassins, Frank Smyth writes in Harvard International Review.  And their killers rarely are brought to justice. 

A Global Remembrance of Journalists' Massacre in the Philippines Nov. 23

 One year after the slaughter of 32 journalists and media workers in Maguindanao province, the International Union of Journalists and the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines plan a global day of action to remember the victims and press for prosecution of the perpetrators.

A Vigil at St. Bride's

Journalism has all but abandoned Fleet Street. But in an ancient London church, a small flame flickers for those who risk their lives and well-being to bear witness to the most difficult truths.

New Dart Fellowship Offers Training for Journalism Educators

No matter what the beat or medium, young journalists are almost certain to encounter human tragedy in the course of their work. But few student journalists are trained to recognize trauma and stress reactions in survivors, to make informed ethical choices about trauma news, or to deal with their own emotional reactions while on the job. With this in mind, the Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma has established a new Academic Fellowship Program. 

Four Lessons on School Shootings

Dark, cold, grey, brooding Helsinki. This was the backdrop for Violence in the Networked Society, an international conference hosted by University of Helsinki’s Communication Research Center on Nov. 6 and 7, 2009. It was a particularly poignant setting, because in 2007 and again in 2008 Finland was the site of school shootings that together left 18 students murdered. In this highly literate and socially conscious society, the sense of communal grief was profound — a national trauma.

Attend the Global Media Forum, Virtually

Today is the first day of Deutsche Welle's annual Global Media Forum. The theme is "Conflict Prevention in the Multimedia Age." The location, as usual, is Bonn, Germany. For those of us not in Bonn, there are a few ways to follow along.

Gaza: Where There is No Escape

If there is one constant in the political history of Gaza over the 61 years since the Arab-Israeli war of 1948, it is that whenever it is thought that the situation can’t get any worse, it usually does. The Israeli-Hamas war that ended three months ago left many hundreds dead, thousands of others robbed of their livlihoods and the political divisions within Palestinian society just as deeply fissured as before.
