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Ex-NYT Reporter on Torture Talk

Earlier today, former New York Times reporter Tim Weiner visited the Columbia J-School to give a talk to students billed as "All you ever wanted to know about TORTURE but were afraid to ask." Given the recent ambivalence of many American news organizations on the T word, we were curious to hear Weiner's take.

The Craft of Trauma Journalism

A sprawling investigation of domestic violence and criminal justice; a first-person narrative trying to understand the writer's rapist; a carefully orchestrated radio series on brutal sexual assault as a weapon of war. The stories honored yesterday as winners of the 2009 Dart Awards for Excellence in Coverage of Trauma appear at first glance to share little in the way of practical approach.

Gaza: Where There is No Escape

If there is one constant in the political history of Gaza over the 61 years since the Arab-Israeli war of 1948, it is that whenever it is thought that the situation can’t get any worse, it usually does. The Israeli-Hamas war that ended three months ago left many hundreds dead, thousands of others robbed of their livlihoods and the political divisions within Palestinian society just as deeply fissured as before.

Torture and the Meaning of Words

When should news stories label interrogation practices torture?

That question arises from the Obama administration’s release of Bush administration legal memos endorsing - and precisely describing – the brutal abuse of "high-value" detainees. Never before has a president taken such an initiative in releasing basic documents about human rights abuses by the executive branch.

Trauma and the Tipping Point

On the latest edition of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation's "Correspondents Report," host Elizabeth Jackson asks senior journalist (and Ochberg Fellow) Lisa Millar and foreign affairs editor Peter Cave about their most fearful reporting experiences. But the stories that they tell of threatening soldiers and beheaded suicide bombers aren't necessarily the ones that most moved them.

Welcome to the New Australasian Page

Welcome to Dart Centre Australasia's new online home. The name ‘Australasia’ is a little deceptive for us as officially this term relates to countries within the bounds of Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, and neighbouring islands in the Pacific Ocean. Having already been involved with programmes for media professionals from countries such Indonesia, Singapore, Philippines, Cambodia, Japan, New Zealand and East Timor to name a few, Dart Centre Australasia in fact takes in the much broader area of the Asia Pacific.

Dart Center at Columbia University

Old friends of the Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma have probably noticed an important change:  a new university affiliation.  The Dart Center is now a project of the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism in New York City.
