Resources for Rob Cole

1996 results found

Case Closed

This multipart series focuses on rape survivor Sandi Fedor’s efforts to track down the serial rapist who attacked her as she discovers that her trust has been betrayed by the indifference of an historically under-resourced Cleveland Police sex crimes unit. Judges praised the team for “successfully intertwining a visceral survivor’s point of view narrative with traditional investigative reporting.” They said the series “meticulously documents with photographs, video clips, audio recordings, public records, police documents, and prior investigative reporting” a “pattern of systemic police department failure dating back decades” which “enabled serial offenders like the man who attacked Sandi Fedor to evade justice for years.” Originally published in the Plain Dealer on September 29, 2019.

How Does the Human Soul Survive Atrocity?

This story focuses on psychologist Jan Kizilhan, a German of Kurdish Yazidi origin, and recent graduates of his program in Psychotraumatology at the University of Duhok, Iraq who are working with Yazidi children returning to their families after years in ISIS captivity. Judges called the piece “explanatory reporting at its best,” and praised the “equally matched excellence of the writing and photography.” They noted the “lean narrative style that builds momentum with deft pacing and layering of personal and contextual details,” and the “use of different visual techniques to convey in a metaphorical way the emotional inner turmoil of the children.” Originally published in the New York Times Magazine on October 31, 2019.

2020 Dart Award Finalists

This year's Dart Awards went to The Plain Dealer for "Case Closed" and to The New York Times Magazine for "How Does the Human Soul Survive Atrocity?"; Honorable mentions went to NPR, Chicago Tribune / ProPublica Illinois, and The Missoulian.

The following seven pieces were finalists: AP "In Opioids Wake"; Frontline, "The Last Survivors"; Mother Jones, "When Your Rape Doesn't Count"; New York Times, "Inside Syria's Secret Torture Prisons"; NPR, "Life After ISIS, The Struggle and Survival of Yazidis"; Reveal, "Five Years on Nauru"; STAT, "Their baby died during his nap. Then medical bureaucrats deepened the parents' anguish."

2020 Dart Award Finalists Announced

"In this moment of global crisis, the 2020 Dart Award finalists exemplify the unique power of journalism to illuminate the impact of traumatic events," said Dart Center Executive Director Bruce Shapiro. "All of this year’s finalists  ranging from a small-city paper in Montana to the largest international news organizations  chronicle the most difficult human experiences with exceptional depth and integrity."
