Resources for Resources for Spanish

481 results found

IJNet Releases Journalism Safety Toolkit

The International Journalists' Network has released a new journalism safety toolkit featuring tips and resources from the Dart Center and our colleagues at the Committee to Protect Journalists, the Rory Peck Trust and the International Center for Journalists.

Resources for Reporting on the Jakarta Hotel Bombings

On the morning of Friday, July 17, at least eight people were killed and fifty injured in near-simultaneous bombings of two luxury hotels in Jakarta, Indonesia. It was the first major terrorist attack to take place on Indonesian soil in several years.

To help journalists covering this story, in Indonesia and around the world, the Dart Center is aggregating useful resources. If you have an addition, please add it in the comments.

Reporting Asia-Pacific Disasters

A string of seismic events has made for a week of deadly disasters in the Asia-Pacific region. On Sept. 26, Typhoon Ketsana hit the Phillipines, leaving hundreds dead and flooding 80 percent of Manila. On Sept. 29, an earthquake and ensuing tsunamis rocked the Samoas, killing at least 150. The Indonesian island of Sumatra was hit by an earthquake the next day, and then by a second less-severe earthquake the day after.

A New Guide for Disaster Journalism in Latin America

Over the years, I have had the good fortune to work with journalists in Colombia, Guatemala and Mexico: countries where the media are under fire for the watchdog role they perform.  I have been awed by their powerful commitment to the profession and to the public they serve despite great personal risk.  I always departed wishing I could do more.
