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The Crisis in Russia's Media

It's been four years since investigative reporter Anna Politkovskaya was gunned down in Moscow; Russia remains a dangerous place for journalists. A Dart Center event explores the continuing crisis and some bright spots on the media landscape; full audio from the event is embedded into this post.

Benefit for East Timor Journalists

A September 24 benefit performance of the play "Bare Witness" aims to raise money to provide training for journalists in Asia's youngest democracy. 

A Vigil at St. Bride's

Journalism has all but abandoned Fleet Street. But in an ancient London church, a small flame flickers for those who risk their lives and well-being to bear witness to the most difficult truths.

Iraqi Journalists Share Stories of Violence

On July 19, the Dart Center hosted a group of ten Iraqi journalists at Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism as part of an international visitor program through the U.S. State Department, which gathers journalists from post-conflict nations and emerging democracies and brings them to U.S. for discussions with news organizations about press freedom.

'Restrepo:' A New Kind of War Movie

Sebastian Junger and Tim Hetherington insist they didn't want to make an activist movie. They wanted to make a documentary that showed what military deployment was like, politics aside. They wanted to show why men keep going back to war even after the trauma and the bloodshed, why they keep seeking that sense of brotherhood. In the film "Restrepo," they've succeeded.
