
1996 results found

Deadline Passed: 2019 Dart Awards

The Dart Awards for Excellence in Coverage of Trauma honor innovative, ethical and effective reporting of human tragedy across all media platforms. Judges will make two awards, each carrying a $5000 cash prize. The submission deadline, January 30, 2019 at 5:00 pm EST, has passed.

Support the Dart Center on #GivingTuesday

Whether you’re a working journalist or a news consumer, you know we are living through exceptional challenges for reporters, photographers and news organizations.

That’s why I hope that this #GivingTuesday, you’ll consider a contribution to the Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma.

2019 Ochberg Fellowship

The Ochberg Fellowship, now in its 20th year, is the Dart Center's flagship program for senior and mid-career journalists who wish to deepen their knowledge of emotional trauma and psychological injury, and improve reporting on violence, conflict and tragedy. The next fellowship will take place July 22-27, 2019. The application deadline has passed.
