Resources for Kyle Hopkins

1996 results found

A Feast for Lost Souls

The judges described A Feast for Lost Souls as a “deeply moving piece” that “stirs our collective empathy” and “gives voice to the unspeakable.” They praised writer Annelise Jolley and photographer Zahara Gómez Lucini for “letting their subjects grieve and breathe in their own time” and for providing the reader with a “real connection to their pain.” They applauded the team’s “exquisite attention to even the smallest of details,” and for respectfully shining a light on these “resilient, brilliant women” who possess "so much agency in the face of such devastation.” Originally published by The Atavist on November 30, 2021.

2022 Dart Award Finalists Announced

“The 2022 Dart Award finalists range widely, from fresh, innovative reporting on the year’s all-encompassing crises to hard-hitting investigations bringing to light human rights abuses hiding in plain sight,” said Dart Center Executive Director Bruce Shapiro. “All show the power of compassionate, trauma-informed reporting to rise above polarized politics and click-bait sensationalism, illuminating the most urgent issues facing society and portraying survivors with grace and dignity.”
